Today we ask the age-old question:
Hello, good morning, afternoon and evening to our fellow LouBriTri readers!
Yes, today we have assembled here to find out from the general public, "Do you prefer movies or TV shows?" through conducting a vox pop.
Firstly, what is a vox pop?
To put it simply, it is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase 'vox populi' which means 'the voice of the people'. It's usually a term used by journalists for opinions expressed by the people on the streets to find out what normal people think about a certain issue or event. Quite an interesting way of finding out what the people's opinions are, don't you think?Now back to the question.
Movies and TV shows, both, of course are types of entertainment which consist of you, literally, staring at a pixilated screen for minutes, hours or even days (because we all know how some TV shows and movies can make you look like a zombie by making you neglect sleep and opt for entertainment). To put it simply, they display a story for you to fill your free time or give you some time to relax, sit back and enjoy life for a bit.
Movies usually have a running time that is shorter, lasting for anywhere from a 30 minute short film to a full on 3 hour epic fantasy story. *ahem*LordoftheRings*ahem*In that time span, they would introduce the characters, tell the story and end it all, in one go.

Which you prefer out of the two is, of course, purely based on personal taste, for one simply cannot say one overpowers the other. Movies or TV shows? Choose the former and get an enjoyable watch with a reasonable time span. Choose the latter and get more "filling" in the story.
As the owners of this blog, which is our pick? To verify this burdensome question, we took to interviewing each other. Let us have a look, shall we?
Q: Aherm. Up first, Lou. I shall not beat around the bush: so which would you rather donate your time to? Movies or tv shows?
LOU: I'd say I like TV shows more. Yup, definitely. I mean, although movies aren't bad or anything, I think I just like stories that are more in depth, or with more character development, so to speak. It's always nice to have characters in the story that you've grown attached to over time. Not to mention, TV shows allow for more time for things to be properly explained instead of potentially leaving out a whole section of unanswered questions. Also, with TV shows, at least I'm able to have enough time with the characters to remember their names. In movies, it's like,"Okay the main dude character. Hmm. Wait. What was his name again? Wait is that his dog or the neighbour's dog? WAIT. DOES HE EVEN HAVE A DOG?" Yup, you get it. (but that might also be partly because I have quite horrid memory.)
Some people tend to stick to movies because their favourite actress or actor is in it, but nowadays, many actors and actresses have started branching out to act in dramas and soap operas because television is increasingly becoming a writer's medium, resulting in constantly producing high quality products. Sometimes, these actors/actresses best works are on the small screen. Aaaand that's about it. I thank you for your time.
Some people tend to stick to movies because their favourite actress or actor is in it, but nowadays, many actors and actresses have started branching out to act in dramas and soap operas because television is increasingly becoming a writer's medium, resulting in constantly producing high quality products. Sometimes, these actors/actresses best works are on the small screen. Aaaand that's about it. I thank you for your time.
Q: I see... anything else you wish to add?
LOU: Nah I suppose not. Baiiiiiiiii
Q: Urm okay then. NOW LET US HAVE TRIN! Movies or tv shows, which is your first choice?
TRI: Wait, is it my turn already? I could've sworn this blog was called
LouBRITri and not LouTRIBri... Oh well. Any who, which do I prefer between
movies or television shows? My answer is definite. I obviously prefer movies.
Movies are better than tv shows in my opinion, because it is a one-shot
production and a bigger deal. More time and effort is taken to produce the big
film and I find it very admirable of the cast and crew to have taken so much
time to make this possible. I don't think I could ever be an actress because
that dedication and commitment, as well as PATIENCE is lacked in my persona. I'd
also like to object to Lou's statement about how movies can potentially leave
out a whole section of unanswered questions. Do you know how much I hate
cliffhangers from television shows? UGH. Unless the particular movie is going
to be trilogy, I beg to differ with utmost grace. And maybe it's just me, but
I'd rather sit in an air conditioned cinema with a bunch of people rather than
in my living room, popcorn-less while I'm laughing and crying on my own. to a
romantic comedy... Basically, that's how I plan to grow old, because WHO NEEDS
A HUBBIE ANYWAY. I am a strong, independent woman; I can be the man and the
WOman in my life.
LOU: *cough cough* much sass Trin. But my room is also air-conditioned and I have grown accustomed to laughing alone in my room while watching variety shows sooooo-
LOU: *cough cough* much sass Trin. But my room is also air-conditioned and I have grown accustomed to laughing alone in my room while watching variety shows sooooo-
Q: OH STEP AWAY, LOU! Anyway, Trin, I see, I see. Very interesting explanation you gave there.. Anything you might have forgotten?
TRI: Hmmm... I don't think so. If I did forget anything
it's probably best to not say anything else or this gonna turn into one of my full
on rants like the time I told y'all about my very HEALTHY obsession over
British dudes... did I mention that four fifths of my celeb crush list are
British? Wait a sec, I'm already ranting aren't I? Aww fudgecakes... I guess
this means hasta la vista! (For now of course, you'll never hear the end of me;
unless of course, I come to my end. But let's not dabble on that topic shall
Q: Alright. Last but not least, BRING BRI TO DA HOUZ! Bri, answer honestly: Movies or TV shows?
BRI: It is TV Shows for me :) I do feel that TV Shows are somewhat addictive as they don't stop. They keep on releasing new episodes and seasons that make you want to glue your face to the computer screen to see when's the next episode coming out. They leave you hanging and expect you to guess until they release the new episode in which by then, you'll already have all your fingernails bitten to the bed. It's like you get pulled into the world in which the characters of the show are in. TV Shows really go in depth in describing their characters and it gives the illusion that they are really your friends as you know so much about them. TV shows always have plot twists and you really don't know what to expect in the next episode.
Q: Hmm I can see where you're coming from. Any last words before we end this interview?
BRI: ....TV showsss man..... Wooooooooooooo
Q: Okay then. And that is it, folks. Good day/night and cheese balls.
Now, to find out what the public thinks, we have gone to our family members and friends to obtain some answers. Their opinions have been listed below!
Citizen #1
Name: Cindy Leong (Mother Of Lou)
Age: 45
Age: 45

Citizen #2
Name: Damien Chua (Uncle Of Tri)Age: 35

Citizen #3
Name: Bryan (Brother of Bri)Age: 17
"I would say I like TV Shows cause I love watching Anime and Anime has a similar format to TV Shows. Am I right? Right? .....Anyway I guess Anime has a pretty similar format. They have episodes and seasons. TV shows are kinda perfect for those who want to just sit down at home on the couch 24/7 with a bucket of popcorn in their hands and have a relaxing evening slowly watching the episodes. You'll get to know the characters very well as they put so much detail in these shows. No rush. And that's when it gets addictive and you'll start wanting to watch more and more. And that's also when you should get your butt off that couch and go outside and do something productive.
I mean movies are too very amazing but they don't do that much of an impact on you. It's just like "Oh... wow that was such an amazing show" and after like 3 months you forget what the storyline was. Nope TV Shows will ruin and spoil you. You'll start using and doing whatever your favourite character uses and does. Yup....."
Yup, so that's a wrap for this post! Which do you prefer: Movies Or TV Shows? Sound out your opinion and which movie/tv show(s) is/are your favourite in the comment box, and we'd love to give it a watch!
xxLouBriTri :)
xxLouBriTri :)