
Thursday 3 December 2015

PTT : BTS- 화양연화 Pt.2 (In the Mood for Love Pt.2): Album Review

Hello everyone!


Not gonna lie. It's been very long since you've heard from me. Heh... let's just say I don't follow a certain schedule, neither do I have the discipline to. Heh. Heh. Heh.


Excuses aside -HEY- look who's back! 

It is your one and only very much dedicated kpop fangirl-
*cue the drumrolls*


Sorry, that was rather awkward.

That aside, today I'll be doing a review on Bangtan's (방탄소년단) new 4th mini album by the name of 화양연화 Pt.2 (Korean) , or In the Mood for Love Pt.2 (English). The album, containing 9 tracks, was released on the 30th of November 2015 along with a music video to their title track, "Run".

After a successful release of the first part of the album, fans were eager for the second of the two part series; a request which has now been delivered!

All 9 tracks were topping Korean Music Charts upon the album's release, with "Run" even claiming the seat of several number one spots. Yay for another milestone reached!

Below are the opinions provided by my brain alone. Please take no offence if what I say does not reflect your opinions. Also, yes, I'm a fan so... slightly biased... maybe?


Bangtan has always impressed me with their rapping, that's for sure. And they don't disappoint this time either. This time's intro was done mostly by Suga, with Rapmon and Jhope only rapping about 2 lines each.

One thing about Suga's lyrics is that they always make you think. He likes incorporating metaphors and similes into his raps and it gives each line a poetic feel.
Never mind is full of raw emotions and honesty. He tells us his experiences through his rapping and some of the struggles he's had to go through. I really like how he shares some of his stories like that with his fans. Sometimes, it just shows that they are human too and maybe have it harder than it seems.

random thought: Suga swearing. Idk why but I actually laughed the first time hearing it hahahahha...ha.. *cough*


This album's title track!
It does give me a similar feel to I Need U (Tri said that too) but I think that is because of where the rap verses, bridges, pre choruses and choruses are placed. In this aspect, I believe Run mirrors I Need U.

There is a definite EDM feel to it. Very dynamic. There are definitely many layers to this song and they probably took a very long time to produce this. As a title track, I think it has delivered. However, comparing it with the other tracks in the album, you wouldn't really consider it 'superior', like what title tracks usually are.

A thing I'm sure everyone has noticed is that Jhope has been getting those rap-singing lines quite a lot these days, before going in with his rapping. Jhope was a more neutral (?) sounding voice and it makes the song more interesting. 

On another note: V's solo bridge gives me all kinds of feels. And Jimin's vocals have come a long way too, compared to previous songs.

No doubt is it a great song, with even line distributions too. I can't wait to see the live performances of it.

Random thought: The mv. LIKE WHAT EVEN.


And I love it! This final version of the song has a different feel than the one in the Prologue. The piano introduction has been taken out and guitar chords have been added in. It does make the overall song slightly more upbeat. But either way, this has to be one of their best tracks.

They did a good job incorporating rap parts into it too without it sounding off. Originally having thought that this track was going to be a vocal-only song based of the Prologue, the raps were a pleasant surprise. The only petty complain about this song would be that Jin only has one line (if my ears aren't lying to me) at the very end. It would have been great if he could have showcased his voice more in this track.

And hey,once again Jhope does the half sing-rap thing.
Love the adlibs and backup vocals too.

Overall; a great track.

Random thought: urghhhurgurgfhhdhdhd *melts* Jimin's adlibs are keeling meh



Now, y'all. This song is kinda depressing. Rapmon took part in the making of this song and its inspiration is taken from a whale that lives in the sea alone because it produces sound waves at 52 Hz, which no other sea creatures can hear. Thus, this song talks about loneliness and being alienated.
It isn't really that difficult to figure out upon having a look at the lyrics. Hohoho...

This track does not disappoint but it does somehow remind me of "Move" from Pt.1.
Hmm maybe because of Rapmon's influences in both the songs.

Also, the high-pitched whale like (are they? I don't know?) sounds in the background add a nice touch to the song.



Wow, Kookie. That's definitely something new.
I couldn't stop laughing after hearing that, not gonna lie.

Random thought: I have a feeling this will be their follow-up song... hmmm *ponders forever*


So this track was released for pre-streaming for a day before the official release of the album, making this one of the first songs I heard of this album.
The rappers tell their stories in their own styles. Thumbs up for that. I also quite like the electric guitar in the instrumental. Maybe it's just me, but it makes the song have an... old-fashioned-ish... vibe to it? I don't know why, but it just makes me picture city scenery in black and white Haha

The best part of the songs for me would be the pre- chorus.

"자 부산의 바다여! SAY LA LA LA LA LA"



note: But this song also sounds quite similar to Rihanna's Bitch Better Have My Money.

TRACK #6: 뱁새

Looks like we're going back to what Bangtan is known for; questioning and going against the stereotypes of society.

(T/N: * 뱁새/ Baebsae is a Korean Crow-Tit but it is also used to call someone who ruins themselves by trying to imitate/ copy people who are better than them. It comes from the saying
새가 황새 걸음을 걸으면 가라이 가 찢어진다 meaning "If a crow-tit walks like a stork, it will tear its legs"
Trans cr; Mary & Sihyun @ bts-trans

The lyrics go real and hard and are in your face. Seems they have nothing to hide, making this sound almost like a diss-track.

Sad that they don't have Cypher Part 4? Worry not because we have 뱁새, which ultimately makes up for the missing cypher. This probably being because of the hip hop elements in the song.
There's no doubt that this track will make you move along to its beats.
Oh and lol. It is so hard to differentiate the members' singing parts in this song.
WHY DOES EVERYONE SOUND LIKE TAEHYUNG. (Unless he sang almost everything hahaha)



Bangtan has got to be one of the extremely few groups left that still do skits. As always, I really enjoy just hearing them bicker about random things. But if you don't understand Korean, you might need to see an English translated video for it heh (like me lolol. I only got about half of what they were going on about. Soooo yeah. STUDY KOREAN, EVERYONE! Or just look up the translation huehue)

Random thought: Bangtan bullying Jimin as usual pshhhhh and Suga being the grumpy grandpa he always is.


YASSS Suga's track! I absolutely adore all the songs he has produced, Let Me Know and Tomorrow being two of my all time favourites.
Suga has a distinct style to most of his songs and it is something this track is not missing. He manages to make all the members shine individually in their lines with their own styles. 

No surprise here, but the vocal parts are wonderful. The rap sequences are also soothing to the ear.
Seeing that Suga likes producing things that are more on the emotional side, I say his songs are usually a great chance for Bangtan to show a softer side to the audience, different from their usual strong hip hop image.

All in all, a big clap to Suga for producing this song. A great job indeed.



*sharp inhale*
It has a haunting melody accompanied by soothing instrumentals to give you the chills. It also has a jazzy feel to it and I love the effect the bboom-bba bboom-bba sound at the back gives. (sorry I'm not musically capable enough to use real terms hahaha)
Ah and the harmonies and adlibs; wonderful.

House of Cards is certainly my favourite track in the album.

Random thought: kaxjcgsksknsbxksjxhxxkssjdh *drowns*

OKAYYYYY and that is the end of the track list.

To conclude, the album as a whole was on fire! Nothing less to be expected from Bangtan. Great songs, great music, great production.
This mini album surpassed my expectations and may just be their best album to date.

To give it a visual and more definite standing point, I would give this album a solid 9 out of 10 points.
It looks like I'm done here!

Last words would be that (like many have said) I'm glad Bangtan has evolved their music to what it is today and have finally managed to find their own style and colour. 

There's no doubt that their more recent songs sound very much different from their past albums, but this is without question, a good thing.
Keep going Bangtan. I look forward to what they will come out with in the future.
And that is all for me today.
Have an enjoyable day/afternoon/morning/night and I'll see you in the next post, that hopefully, won't take very long to exit its 'draft' status.


credit to all owners of pics, gifs and videos.

Friday 27 November 2015

Under The Tri(Tree) Sessions-Crushed


Under The Tri (Tree) Sessions 

Holaaaa LouBriTri readers!!! Tri is back with another topic to talk about for this UTTS!!! Can I get a 'YAYYYYY'? Today, I'll be talking about a popular topic amongst teenage girls like myself that I personally feel, has been quite active in my conversations with my friends as of late.

And that topic would be...(*drumroll please*)...BOYS. Yuppers, it's another four-letter-word with a big impact on a girl's life.

Some of you may be groaning-you're welcomed to leave, if you do not wish to hear me go on about this subject-and some of you may be curious or intrigued to why I picked this topic for today's post.

Let's get on with it, shall we?

BOYS. They are really something, aren't they? Just the thought of them give me enough questions and riddles to puzzle my mind. They say we (girls) are the complicated ones but as a girl, I see how boys are-and lemme tell ya, they're not as straightforward or simple as they think. 

I know I may be the furthest to being the most observant person on the block, but haven't all you girls wondered why a boy behaves the way a boy behaves? We women know exactly how boys are these days... Dirty minded, maybe a bit cocky and not always as charming as the boys we read in books or see on the silver screen. 

I don't know about you, but most of the guys my age whom I know, constantly talk about how they plan to 'get the girl' in such a crude manner-and to top it off, talk lowly about them in the most disrespectful ways. Tell me ladies, which one of you would actually date a guy like that? 

I don't mean to bad mouth boys, but do you see my point when I say boys are complicated. How they actually plan to woo a girl if they keep taking about us that way? Even if it's just a joke, no girl wants to hear that trash spoken about herself. And that's only one example. There are plenty more that proves my point.

I could be bias currently speaking, but I think it's time a girl's opinion heard, in a clearly stated manner.

Ugh boys. The funny thing about all of this is that, despite their often odd or less-than-gentlemanly behaviour at times, it is still possible for us to have crushes on them. Not only that, we still live to impress em' at the same time. 


Have you had a crush? I know I definitely have had my share of crushes, celebrities and regular guys alike. 

This bring me to the reason why I decided to talk about boys today. 

To me, the worst thing about crushes is that, most of the time, it's unrequited and you might probably have no chance with the other person. And I'm not talking about an infatuation or admiration for a person. I mean a full-on crush. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.

Let's go into the mini-topic of crush symptoms. (For girls, at least. Idk how boys react.)

When you have a crush, you will begin to realise that the number of romance novels/chick-flicks you read and watch tend to multiply by around a 1000 times. This is because one simply wishes to see how everything would play out in a fictional tale where a happy ending has a 95% chance of happening unlike in real life. 

Another symptom of the crush-its: Overthinking. That is practically self explanatory, so I'll leave it at that.

Next, you find that you're more insecure and self-concious about yourself around that person you've taken a liking to. This is a no-brainer symptom. Every person with a crush knows what it's like to long for a single compliment from that particular boy and therefore, does everything she can to impress him.

Lastly, take those times for example, when you'd be willing to change who you are so the dude would like you but at the same time, you've been influenced by so many romance movies that you wanna have the dude love you for who you are. (Sorry, but the cheesiness of romance movies are almost impossible to suppress.) Now that is called the bipolar disorder you temporarily but oh-so-suddenly get in the period of crushing on someone.

There's this post online that states a psychological crush lasts for around four months and anything more than that, you're in love. 

Now, don't panic like I did when I first saw that. I've had a crush on this guy for fourteen years, since I was a baby until now. No, I'm not exaggerating. I may not have been aware of it at the time, being so young and innocent, but I know I've always had a liking. I may have the worst memory, but my brain ain't that much of a failure. (Besides I've got parental proof)

Here is a snippet of lyrics I wrote earlier this year when I was overthinking about my crush: 

Do you think about us, 
As much as we do bout you?
Do you ever wonder, 
If we like you too?

(No I did not copy that picture I added above. It was just a mere coincidence.)
I would love to share more of my lyrics with you, but I'd like to avoid any possibility of  plagiarism.

I'm no love guru, despite what I tell my friends, but if it's one thing I've learnt about being CRUSHED, don't force yourself to get over the crush in four months. Take your time, and don't worry too much about it. If you have a one-sided crush, there's no point in me giving you false hope or telling you to stop trying so hard to impress. (But seriously don't try too hard, it ain't worth it and you'll end up making a fool out of yourself. Trust me, I've been there.) But my advice is that if it happens, let it happen, it will fade eventually if it weren't meant to last. 

Crushes are bound to pop up at least once in your life time, but don't ever let the unreturned crush leave YOU crushed. The One for you is out there, be patient.

Below is the song Meant To Be, from Disney Channel's original movie TEEN BEACH MOVIE. It's such a catchy romantic song and it's perfect for Disney romantics and fanatics like myself. Enjoy!


P.S If you'd like to give Teen Beach Movie and it's sequel a watch, I'd totally recommend it! Here are the links:

That's all from me this time, I'll see(well, figuratively)you guys in the next UTTS! This is me, signing out.
xxTri :)

Tuesday 6 October 2015

Under The Tri (Tree) Sessions-Labels, The Matter

"You matter. And guess what? You don't need a label to prove it."

Labels, The Matter

Under The Tri (Tree) Sessions

Hullo! And welcome back to another Under The Tri Sessions! So recently, I've watched a movie entitled: The Duff. 

It's about a girl who-wait, maybe I shouldn't spoil it for those who haven't watched it. 

Maybe you've heard of the movie, perhaps even watched it, but my question to all those who have watched it is, were you inspired by it? Cause' to me, the movie has been an inspiration to me, so I thought: Why not put my thoughts about the movie online?

This is no ordinary review like the previous ones LouBriTri did on a music video, today's post is something different from that; so shall we jump into it?(That was rhetorical, by the way.)

At first, when I finished watching the movie, I felt warm and fuzzy inside, cause' what can I say? I'm a romantic. Later on though, when the hype of fangirling over the male lead died down, the message of the movie began sinking in.

The message isn't abstracted at all, but when your head is clouded with dreamy thoughts of the actors, you're not exactly thinking. Anyone can relate? 

Before I get sidetracked, let me introduce the topic for today's Under The Tri Sessions: Labels, The Matter. Allow me to break it down (wow, I sound like a rapper).

What are labels?
Well, according to the dictionary, labels are a classifying phrase applied to a person or thing.
What is matter?
The word itself has many meanings, but the meaning I'm referring to is neither the substance nor the affair. The matter(s) that I'm looking at is problem and the verb meaning being: having significance. 

And labels ARE the problem. So many people become insecure and discouraged by them. 

Fat. Ugly. The word DUFF has both. DUFF stands for:
D esignated
U gly 
F at
F riend

This label, according to the movie, isn't necessarily given out to someone who is fat or ugly. The label itself can have different meanings, depending on the person, but in the end, the same conclusion is drawn. A DUFF is the one person in a group that is less, than the rest of his/her's other friends.

He/She could be the least 'smart' one, he/she could be the least 'athletic' one, he/she could be the least 'cool' one. It's different for everyone, but the one word that stays the same is less

To me, I can relate to being a DUFF. In LouBriTri, I feel like I'm the odd one out sometimes. Maybe Lou and Bri feel the same way-like they're the DUFF-but if you knew us personally, you would obviously see the stark contrasts between mine and their personalities and talents.

Lou and Bri are both talented artists, for one. They both like k-pop, they have similar views about life. And then you have me. I can't draw a good piece of art without getting impatient or frustrated. I absolutely can't seem to find interest in k-pop, and my view about life is definitely way different. Also, Louisa and Bridget are super smart. They're ahead of me in a lotta stuff, no matter what they claim, and sometimes, I'll admit, I get jealous. Not just about grades, but socially, Lou has a technique of avoiding awkwardness-though she doesn't seem to realise it-and Bri is just very approachable and able to get along with almost anybody.

Is being envious a bad thing? Or is it natural?

For all I know, they could be reading this post as I'm writing it. I'm sorry to you guys, in advance.

But I guess that's just me beating myself down. I'm a DUFF, but so is everyone. We're all born imperfect, and there are some things that we're good at and that we suck at. Just accept it. NOBODY'S PERFECT, and Hannah Montana couldn't have said it better.  Don't beat yourself up for it though. Labels are meant to make you insecure, but that's only if you let it. The world is a labelling machine, full of haters. But Tay-tay couldn't have said it better. 

THE HATERS ARE GONNA HATE(hate, hate, hate, hate). Deal with it, they're just jealous. (I've really gotta stop with eh song references...)

At the end, I realised that it was only for the best that I was the odd one out. Why? It's because having too many similarities can be a bit troublesome. Every group needs someone too balance one another out. That's me, I suppose. DUFF or not, there's a good reason why you exist in the group. 

So today, my message for y'all is: IGNORE THE LABELS, because THEY ARE THE MATTER FOR making you FEEL LIKE YOU DON'T MATTER. I know, problems are not meant to be ignored, but the only way to solve this problem is to ignore it because you need to know that you hold significance  in this world and that you are nothing less than anybody else.

Below is another song that I'd love to share with you. I did a cover of the song (for Lou's bday), but unfortunately the video exceeded the time limit for blogger videos. So instead, I present the original music video of Who Says by Selena Gomez. 

REMEMBER: Listen to the lyrics.


Here is the link to THE DUFF movie, it's free and you don't have to download it:

Also, I'd like to recommend a book for you guys to read, it is my absolute favourite and I thought the story would be appropriate for this post: Wonder, by RJ Palacio 

That's it for now guys, I'll be back! 
xxTri :)


Sunday 20 September 2015

Story Time by LouBriTri-The Sea Witch

What's up LouBriTri readers!?

WE ARE BACK!!!!! And don't worry, nobody died and no one got pregnant. We're all safe and in tip-top condition. :)

Firstly, we've got big news! LouBriTri has come up with a new concept for this blog! (We know-finally!) We've been struggling for the longest time to to find a good and a solid concept for this blog, and now that we've got one, we can't wait to share it with you guys!

Although we'll have to tell you more about it later because we wouldn't want to get too off-track. You'll find out soon enough, we promise. But for now, we will be doing a mini story-time sesh, so may we suggest you grab a cup of tea/hot cocoa and be prepared to read a delightful story of a famous Disney fairytale, rewritten by yours truly.

We hope you thoroughly enjoy it, or at least, think it was a nice casual read.

Our story was inspired by Maleficent and Disney channel's latest original movie, Disney Descendants(Tri's recent obsession), which was directed by Mr Kenny Ortega, who was also the director for the High School Musical trilogy.

If you wanna give it a watch , here's the link:

xxLouBriTri :)

"There is a reason to why everything happens."

Every character has a reason behind the person they've become. Each person is a story.

Now we all know, a good story doesn't start from one page. Have you realised that reading a summary of a book is not as interesting as the storybook itself? It doesn't give the same thrill or the suspense or even the mental images of reading the full length story.

Same goes for characters. All characters are made up of different layers, like pages in a book. What they appear to be, is like a summary: Sweet and simple.

But incomplete.

Of course, the function of a summary is to sum everything up in a shorter version. Sure, this may come in handy sometimes, but summaries tend to skim past the little details.

And you never know, how big of an impact a little detail may contribute to the whole story.

To understand what meets the eye, you have to delve beneath the surface, and further within...


Once upon a time, I was beautiful.

I had light blonde hair, almost white, but not quite. It was long and trailed behind me wherever I went. I had a unique pair of purple eyes with pink flecks. It was the colour of an anemone bush at night, glittering from time to time, when streaks of moonlight washed across it. My lips were full and resembled a cushy sea bed, my figure always maintained a flawless hourglass. A powerful purple tail merged into my accentuated torso.

My charms were irresistible, and I was quite proud of them. In the world I lived in, beauty was essential. To the inhabitants of the land above, we were known as charmers, flirts and...sirens. Or in a more familiar term-mermaids.

A mermaid's duty was to charm. Our existence was not known by many, and we were an ancient species. The men above the surface thought us to be myths, but oh how they were wrong. Everything about us was as realistic as a four dimensional screen play. Our alluring faces, our flirtatious personality... And our dangerous ability.

The population of our kind had been decreasing for many years, and reproduction was a rarity. We had to keep our existence ongoing for as long as we could. And the only way for us to do that, was to capture mundanes and turn them into one of our own. To do that, we had to utilise our gift of song, to lure them to us. The transformation part was a process that could only be understood by The Healers. 

The Healers were a society of merfolk-there were at least twenty of them-who would perform all sorts of potion magic used to heal and transform. It was an honour to be part of the society, and my adopted parents were members of the society. It was a family tradition for the oldest child to take over their parents position when they retired from their jobs, and I was ecstatic about becoming a Healer myself one day.

Every year, The Mer Academy would arrange an excavation to the palace for their senior students, before they moved on to the next stage of their education. It was compulsory for all students to attend. During my trip to the palace, I had an accidental run-in. A run-in, I wished had never happened.

It all began in the infamous Coral Maze. The yammering of the guide about the history about the maze was boring me to sleep. My boredom didn't last long, as my attention had soon diverted to a faint swish of a tail behind me. Desperate for some real entertainment, I carefully sneaked away from the group and followed the motion of the water.

Soon, I had found myself face to face, with none other than the next mer in line for the throne. Before me, stood the young prince of Atlantis in all his glory. One glance at him, and I was smitten. It was obvious to why the king and queen-they were professional mundane hunters-had chosen to adopt this boy, as their son. He was absolutely beautiful.

He had gorgeous brown hair, a strong built and eyes that were as blue as the ocean. Those eyes... they had the ability to make you forget everything. There was something about them that made you trust him. They glimmered with a hint of mischievousness.

I was mesmerised; how could such an unworldly creature exist?

If I had thought I was beautiful before, I was wrong. The boy that I had come face to face with, was a different level of perfection altogether.

"Hello,"he waved cheekily, dimples appearing on his cheeks.

Could he be any more perfect? I wondered. A fool I was at the time; my mind conjured up too many fantasies...

I barely managed to squeak an audible 'hi', still not having gotten over my awe of this magnificent being. It took me three seconds to snap out of my daze. Where were my manners? I was a commoner, I couldn't treat him the way I would to someone of my class.

"Your highness,"I said quickly, bowing my head in respect, and also, to hide my embarrassment.

"Do call me Tritannous, or Triton, if you prefer. I'm comfortable with either, just please, I don't particularly like formalities. It is all, your majesty this, O Handsome One that. It gets so old,"he said, attempting to joke.

The way he spoke, was with utter grace. Every mer spoke Song, the national language. It was called Song because, when we spoke, it was almost melodic, like we were singing.

I laughed at his casual tone. How odd it was to be speaking to a mer of a lower class in that kind of tone. The Royals were supposed to be prim and proper, responsible and trustworthy to their kind. Or so I thought...

What was meant to be a small talk, bubbled into a long conversation, and I  missed out on the rest of the excavation, but instead, I gained a friend. We became good friends, Triton and I. We were joined at the hip. Our friendship was perfect. And each time I spent more time with him, I couldn't help but feel, like I wanted something more out of our friendship.

My wish was soon granted. The prince asked me to be his lover. In the mer kingdom, it was not prohibited to have a lover, just as long as we pursued a mer's true duties. Mermaids were flirts, but we had feelings too. We wanted to be loved not just for our appearance, but for who we were on the inside as well. The only rule was that we had to fall in love with one of our kind. 

In my heart, I knew that I loved him very much,  and I thought he felt the same about me. But I was about to be proven wrong. The future I had pictured for the both of us, was about to be shattered into pieces.

T'was was during one of our adventures, when he persuaded me to show him my family's collection of vials. I was hesitant-making potions were dangerous, one small accident could turn into a monster disaster in less than a minute.

"C'mon. Don't be a hermit crab. I'll be extra careful, I promise,"he had said, caressing my cheek while looking into my eyes with his persuasive blue ones.

Agreeing was the worst decision I'd ever made.
Once I had given him a tour of the factory, he insisted he look at the types of ingredients we used to make the concoctions. I couldn't blame him, princes were always curious and craved knowledge, but I should've known where to to draw the line.

He was very cautious at first, but an over-polished bottle had slipped out of his palms, and it had fallen into the big cauldron at the centre of the room. I tried catching the bottle, but to no luck, I myself fell...into the burning cauldron.

Speckles of purple glitter swirled around me, it was a sign that a change was coming. Red meant emotion, orange meant thought, yellow meant spirit, green meant body, blue meant illusion and purple meant change. I closed my eyes, and hoped for the best, but I knew accidents, were unaffordable in potion making. And if there an accident were ever to happen, things were never to be taken lightly.

It wasn't long before I felt a current swirl around me, enveloping me. It was very fast, and as soon as it came, it disappeared in a blink of an eye. But I had felt it. 

I opened my eyes slowly, my vision being blurred due to the tightness I was shutting them. When my eyes had adjusted to their surroundings, I looked up and found Triton staring at me with a horrified expression.

"Whats wrong?"I asked.

Just as the words had left my lips, I clasped my hand over my mouth. They came out as a croak. I cleared my throat, and tried again.

"Is everything alright?"I asked again.

My voice... It didn't change back.

I examined my hands, and out of horror, I shrieked.
They were a shade of a sickly lilac purple.

I ushered Triton to pass me a mirror, lying on a shelf, used as a shield to reflect any harm caused by potion magic. His hands shook as he handed me the mirror, I gasped when I saw my reflection.

I was no longer beautiful. My blonde hair was completely white, my lips were pressed into a thin line, and my figure had gone out of shape. Every inch of my body was purple and gone was my tail. In it's place were eight legs that resembled an octopus'. The only feature I had managed to keep were my eyes and they were pooling with water.

Everything happened in slow motion after that. I remember hearing voices approaching, I remember him dashing out of the room through the back entrance, I remember whispering his name.

Two figures entered the room-they were my parents. They looked at me in disgust and horror. It didn't take long for my father to assume I was a harmful creature, based off my looks; he grabbed a long wooden spoon that was used to stir concoctions and used it to shoo me out of the factory. My mother, on the other hand, cowered in the corner of the room watching the happening scene with fright in her eyes. The same violet-magenta eyes I had inherited.

I screamed at them, saying that I was their daughter, but they didn't believe me. Could I blame them? My voice had changed, there was no proof that I was who I claimed to be. My purple eyes may have been unique, but I wasn't the only mer who had them.

Alas, they had successfully gotten rid of me. I went to the city, in hopes of seeking help. But everywhere I went, people fled at the sight of me. Lost and desperate, I travelled to the palace to find Triton. Doubtfully, the palace guards let me through, keeping me chained up in case I tried to do anything funny.

But just as I was presented in front of him, he claimed that he did not know me, even though I swore, I saw recognition spark in his eyes. Him being my only option left, I kept insisting that he knew me, hoping that he would give in, but my thoughts were opposed. Instead, he had me banished from the mer-kingdom... For good.

At first, I was hurt, but my hurt turned into fury in mere seconds. I lunged at him, but was held back by the chains on my wrists. They glowed a bright copper gold, a sign that it was resisting my pull. The palace guards then roughly escorted me out of the palace and into the outskirts of the kingdom. Something in me changed that day-I became cold with a thirst of revenge. 

This is my story.

Once upon a time, I may have been beautiful. Once upon a time, I may have had a good heart. Once upon a time, I may have been loved. But that time is long gone and passed.

No longer am I beautiful, revenge holds my heart, and my life is forever deprived of any love or happy ending. This was where my story began, the story of how the Sea Witch came to be.

The very same sea witch you read in fairytales. The one who turned into a monster. The one who, like every other super villain, never deserved a happy ending. 

I am Ursula, The Sea Witch Of Atlantis.