
Thursday, 11 June 2015


Introductions! :D

You must be an awesome person if you decided you click on this blog, because you definitely made the right choice by clicking on the best blog on the Internet! (*cough* self-obsessed much? *cough*) We are Louisa, Bridget and Trinity—aka LouBriTri!
Welcome to our blog! :)
On this blog, we will post about the little things in our lives that we think are interesting and worth sharing with you guys. Feel free to converse or share your opinions with us. So, not to be cheesy or anything, but please join us on this magical adventure through a whirl of fun.


Greetings, fellow Earthlings!

Good day, and welcome to our blog, LouBriTri. For the sake of this blog, I go by the name Lou. I may not be the hyper, food loving friend, but if you need a socially awkward person to befriend, you know who to go to. Sorry, I also overuse commas. I seriously need to stop. 
I was born on the 18 September, and my favourite colour is black. (Wow I'm so boring) For interests, I think the only thing that has completely ruined my life is K pop. (Okay I'm sorry. Typical 'crazy about boy bands' girl. I know, I know). You know you have a problem when you can memorize the lyrics of a song in a language that you are in no way fluent at, but fail to remember facts about the oh-so-famous King Henry VIII and his gluttony for obtaining a son (aka my history is just really bad and we're supposed to know that for school).
Random drawing #2
(it's not actually a real event)
Random drawing #1

Oh yeah, I like drawing but I'm usually too lazy to draw. My favourite style of drawing would probably be realism, because when I try drawing cartoons, they look like they've been drawn by a five year-old . Related to the topic of drawing: I absolutely cannot stand when people fold or crease the artwork that they have spent so much time and effort on. It makes me cringe and clutch my heart in agony every time. 

Next, I also quite enjoy writing stories. However, I will admit that I, in no way, excel at this task. Not to mention, I am constantly reminded of how limited my vocabulary is when I end up sitting motionless, staring at the piece of paper while thinking of a right word to use. And I will say that that happens VERY often.
In other words, I'm a sad, sad sloth. 

You, fellow reader, are probably sitting in front of your screen, wondering, "Why is this dull, self-centered girl telling me all this unnecessary information about herself? I don't need to know this."
Or maybe, you didn't even read this and just skimmed through the pictures. Either way, to that I say: Yes, you really don't need to know this. But why not ey ey ey ey? Now that we have become acquainted:  YAAAYYY LET'S BE FRIENDS!

Aherm. *Straightens non-existent tie*
Anyway, thank you for visiting our blog and please come again.


Hi I'm Bridget. I'm 1/3 of LouBriTri and I'm currently on the couch while the other 2/3 are currently having fun in other parts of the world. Interesting way to spend the holidays indeed. Anyway, lemme give you some details about myself.
Korean food is number one on my favourite food chart and I love everything from the kimchi to the BBQ meat. Unhealthy but yea. Music is essential for me and my favourite genre of music is Hip-Hop, and you should know, that I love k-pop music as well.

 My favourite Korean boyband is Big Bang because I feel like I can connect with them the most. My favourite colour is black (Louisa and I can high-five) and I like wearing black. BDAY's on July 11 and you can give me a set of black gel pens and I'll already be as happy as a rich girl who just a bunch of designer shoes. Seriously, who doesn't like new stationary? 

My favourite Disney Show at the moment would have to be Meet The Robinsons because it is just so inspirational. You guys should watch it if you haven't yet! My bad habits? Well, I tend to doodle a lot, but hey, doodling is just another way of expressing one's creativity. Right? To conclude everything, I'd like to end with my personality, which, if I were to look from another person's point of view, I'd say I'm quite level-headed and my strengths would be my determination. I believe in challenging myself in my daily activities and living life to the fullest extent. (I hope I didn't just make a try-hard expression on you guys, but honestly,  I guess it's just me.)
I hope you guys like our blog and we'll try our very best to make each post an enjoyable read. Thank you :)


 Bonjour! I'm Trinity, but you can address me as Tri, Trin...and I'm about to tell you a little bit about myself. My favourite colour is pink—I blame all the Barbie movies I grew up watching. (Darn that high-pitched blondie.) 

Singing and writing are my absolute passions. You can always count on me to burst out singing on the go, or catch me writing poems on any scrap paper. Someday, I'd like to be lyricist or a full time songwriter. Also, I'll have you know I'm a major romantic. I tend to find myself fangirling over couples quite often. I find it super sweet when things that a girl like me would normally find inside storybooks, happen right before my own eyes!  I've never had an admirer myself, but I do admire many people in my life for various different reasons. At first sight, I may come off as a socially awkward person, but once you get to know me, you're going to wish you had some duct tape to seal my mouth shut. That's right, I'm that friend that rants/giggles way too much. A 'little', would be an exaggeration to describe how big of a fan I am of Thomas Sangster and Pentatonix. 
Thomas Sangster's beautiful face
Thomas is just so likeable in his own adorable way, and PTX's musical talents are just out of this world.To end this introduction, I'd like to request for no hate on this blog. Hating is a waste of time and is merely adding more negativity to the world. I hope I didn't bore you guys too much but I did warn you: I'm a huge chatterbox. Thanks for reading nonetheless!

Pentaonix and their first ever achieved Grammy

Question 1: How did you three become friends and decide to run this blog together?  Wait, are you guys even friends?

 Answer: Yes, of course we are friends! We couldn't be able to run this blog if we weren't. To go slightly more in depth, we go to the same school and are in the same class. Tri and Lou have been close friends since last year and Bri joined the gang this year. Okay, we're not really a "gang", for that word seems too harsh for us measly girls. Maybe the word "tiny circle of people" would sound better. Yup, definitely more suitable for our scrawny, average beings.

Question 2: Are there any other social media sites what we can find you on?

Answer: Yes, we do each have our personal social media accounts. Feel free to follow us or just check us out on other platforms! 

LOU: Twitter: @louisalee1999
           Instagram: @ducks_and_potatoes

BRI: Instagram: @bridget_yeo

TRI: Twitter: @TrinityGChua
Instagram: @TrinityGC 
For Instagram specifically: If you are a reader of LouBriTri, dm me and I will accept your follow requests. My account is private.
Wattpad: @Trinity247
If you are interested in checking out some of my stories, Wattpad is where I'll be.

Question 3: How often do you update?

Answer: Honestly, the definite answer for this would be quite hard to provide because the time in which we update depend solely on mood and level of laziness. But then of course, this blog was originally made as an assignment for our English class so there would be some posts that would be updated within a certain time after our teacher hands us a topic to write about. Our personal posts, however, have no set schedule. We originally wanted to make weekly updates... but we all know that wouldn't work out as planned because, we know how lazy we can get. To top it off, we are professional procrastinators, so... you get what we're hinting at.

Question 4: Who came up with the blog's name?

Answer: Ah flashback to the days before this blog was born *insert piano melody here* It basically started with us discussing furiously (or not so furiously) on WhatsApp about what our blog's name would be. As what could be expected, we couldn't come up with anything that we particularly fancied. THEN *dun dun duuunnnn*
We just decided on combining our names together because we couldn't think of anything else. 
Yeah, we're boring that way. (Tri here: Technically, I suggested the name but then Lou and Bri said to be "more creative" and gave me a weirded out look when I brought it up so currently, I take credit! Brilliant name though, right?)

Question 5: Are there any specific types of content that you post?

Answer: Well, not really. We kind of just go with whatever we think of and what would be interesting enough to write about. One day we might decide to write about boybands, and the other we might start ranting a hella lot about life. Some might say we don't have a strong concept, or that we may lack good organisation and planning, but do not be mistaken; our posts are of extremely high quality! (or so we try to make them) We try our very best to keep our posts at 80-90% on the percentage of interesting-ness. Do inform us if the quality of our posts have deteriorated and tell us what part we might be lacking in.


1 comment:

  1. The most "outstanding" word in this blog is awkward...
    Awkward combination??
    Definitely looking forward to future updates
