WE ARE BACK!!!!! And don't worry, nobody died and no one got pregnant. We're all safe and in tip-top condition. :)
Firstly, we've got big news! LouBriTri has come up with a new concept for this blog! (We know-finally!) We've been struggling for the longest time to to find a good and a solid concept for this blog, and now that we've got one, we can't wait to share it with you guys!
Although we'll have to tell you more about it later because we wouldn't want to get too off-track. You'll find out soon enough, we promise. But for now, we will be doing a mini story-time sesh, so may we suggest you grab a cup of tea/hot cocoa and be prepared to read a delightful story of a famous Disney fairytale, rewritten by yours truly.
We hope you thoroughly enjoy it, or at least, think it was a nice casual read.
Our story was inspired by Maleficent and Disney channel's latest original movie, Disney Descendants(Tri's recent obsession), which was directed by Mr Kenny Ortega, who was also the director for the High School Musical trilogy.
If you wanna give it a watch , here's the link:
xxLouBriTri :)
"There is a reason to why everything happens."
Every character has a reason behind the person they've become. Each person is a story.
Now we all know, a good story doesn't start from one page. Have you realised that reading a summary of a book is not as interesting as the storybook itself? It doesn't give the same thrill or the suspense or even the mental images of reading the full length story.
Same goes for characters. All characters are made up of different layers, like pages in a book. What they appear to be, is like a summary: Sweet and simple.
But incomplete.
Of course, the function of a summary is to sum everything up in a shorter version. Sure, this may come in handy sometimes, but summaries tend to skim past the little details.
And you never know, how big of an impact a little detail may contribute to the whole story.
To understand what meets the eye, you have to delve beneath the surface, and further within...
Once upon a time, I was beautiful.
I had light blonde hair, almost white, but not quite. It was long and trailed behind me wherever I went. I had a unique pair of purple eyes with pink flecks. It was the colour of an anemone bush at night, glittering from time to time, when streaks of moonlight washed across it. My lips were full and resembled a cushy sea bed, my figure always maintained a flawless hourglass. A powerful purple tail merged into my accentuated torso.
My charms were irresistible, and I was quite proud of them. In the world I lived in, beauty was essential. To the inhabitants of the land above, we were known as charmers, flirts and...sirens. Or in a more familiar term-mermaids.
A mermaid's duty was to charm. Our existence was not known by many, and we were an ancient species. The men above the surface thought us to be myths, but oh how they were wrong. Everything about us was as realistic as a four dimensional screen play. Our alluring faces, our flirtatious personality... And our dangerous ability.

The Healers were a society of merfolk-there were at least twenty of them-who would perform all sorts of potion magic used to heal and transform. It was an honour to be part of the society, and my adopted parents were members of the society. It was a family tradition for the oldest child to take over their parents position when they retired from their jobs, and I was ecstatic about becoming a Healer myself one day.
Every year, The Mer Academy would arrange an excavation to the palace for their senior students, before they moved on to the next stage of their education. It was compulsory for all students to attend. During my trip to the palace, I had an accidental run-in. A run-in, I wished had never happened.
It all began in the infamous Coral Maze. The yammering of the guide about the history about the maze was boring me to sleep. My boredom didn't last long, as my attention had soon diverted to a faint swish of a tail behind me. Desperate for some real entertainment, I carefully sneaked away from the group and followed the motion of the water.
Soon, I had found myself face to face, with none other than the next mer in line for the throne. Before me, stood the young prince of Atlantis in all his glory. One glance at him, and I was smitten. It was obvious to why the king and queen-they were professional mundane hunters-had chosen to adopt this boy, as their son. He was absolutely beautiful.
I was mesmerised; how could such an unworldly creature exist?
If I had thought I was beautiful before, I was wrong. The boy that I had come face to face with, was a different level of perfection altogether.
"Hello,"he waved cheekily, dimples appearing on his cheeks.
Could he be any more perfect? I wondered. A fool I was at the time; my mind conjured up too many fantasies...
I barely managed to squeak an audible 'hi', still not having gotten over my awe of this magnificent being. It took me three seconds to snap out of my daze. Where were my manners? I was a commoner, I couldn't treat him the way I would to someone of my class.
"Your highness,"I said quickly, bowing my head in respect, and also, to hide my embarrassment.
"Do call me Tritannous, or Triton, if you prefer. I'm comfortable with either, just please, I don't particularly like formalities. It is all, your majesty this, O Handsome One that. It gets so old,"he said, attempting to joke.
The way he spoke, was with utter grace. Every mer spoke Song, the national language. It was called Song because, when we spoke, it was almost melodic, like we were singing.
I laughed at his casual tone. How odd it was to be speaking to a mer of a lower class in that kind of tone. The Royals were supposed to be prim and proper, responsible and trustworthy to their kind. Or so I thought...

My wish was soon granted. The prince asked me to be his lover. In the mer kingdom, it was not prohibited to have a lover, just as long as we pursued a mer's true duties. Mermaids were flirts, but we had feelings too. We wanted to be loved not just for our appearance, but for who we were on the inside as well. The only rule was that we had to fall in love with one of our kind.
In my heart, I knew that I loved him very much, and I thought he felt the same about me. But I was about to be proven wrong. The future I had pictured for the both of us, was about to be shattered into pieces.
T'was was during one of our adventures, when he persuaded me to show him my family's collection of vials. I was hesitant-making potions were dangerous, one small accident could turn into a monster disaster in less than a minute.
"C'mon. Don't be a hermit crab. I'll be extra careful, I promise,"he had said, caressing my cheek while looking into my eyes with his persuasive blue ones.
Agreeing was the worst decision I'd ever made.
Once I had given him a tour of the factory, he insisted he look at the types of ingredients we used to make the concoctions. I couldn't blame him, princes were always curious and craved knowledge, but I should've known where to to draw the line.

Speckles of purple glitter swirled around me, it was a sign that a change was coming. Red meant emotion, orange meant thought, yellow meant spirit, green meant body, blue meant illusion and purple meant change. I closed my eyes, and hoped for the best, but I knew accidents, were unaffordable in potion making. And if there an accident were ever to happen, things were never to be taken lightly.
It wasn't long before I felt a current swirl around me, enveloping me. It was very fast, and as soon as it came, it disappeared in a blink of an eye. But I had felt it.
I opened my eyes slowly, my vision being blurred due to the tightness I was shutting them. When my eyes had adjusted to their surroundings, I looked up and found Triton staring at me with a horrified expression.
"Whats wrong?"I asked.
Just as the words had left my lips, I clasped my hand over my mouth. They came out as a croak. I cleared my throat, and tried again.

My voice... It didn't change back.
I examined my hands, and out of horror, I shrieked.
They were a shade of a sickly lilac purple.
I ushered Triton to pass me a mirror, lying on a shelf, used as a shield to reflect any harm caused by potion magic. His hands shook as he handed me the mirror, I gasped when I saw my reflection.
I was no longer beautiful. My blonde hair was completely white, my lips were pressed into a thin line, and my figure had gone out of shape. Every inch of my body was purple and gone was my tail. In it's place were eight legs that resembled an octopus'. The only feature I had managed to keep were my eyes and they were pooling with water.
Everything happened in slow motion after that. I remember hearing voices approaching, I remember him dashing out of the room through the back entrance, I remember whispering his name.
Two figures entered the room-they were my parents. They looked at me in disgust and horror. It didn't take long for my father to assume I was a harmful creature, based off my looks; he grabbed a long wooden spoon that was used to stir concoctions and used it to shoo me out of the factory. My mother, on the other hand, cowered in the corner of the room watching the happening scene with fright in her eyes. The same violet-magenta eyes I had inherited.
I screamed at them, saying that I was their daughter, but they didn't believe me. Could I blame them? My voice had changed, there was no proof that I was who I claimed to be. My purple eyes may have been unique, but I wasn't the only mer who had them.
Alas, they had successfully gotten rid of me. I went to the city, in hopes of seeking help. But everywhere I went, people fled at the sight of me. Lost and desperate, I travelled to the palace to find Triton. Doubtfully, the palace guards let me through, keeping me chained up in case I tried to do anything funny.
But just as I was presented in front of him, he claimed that he did not know me, even though I swore, I saw recognition spark in his eyes. Him being my only option left, I kept insisting that he knew me, hoping that he would give in, but my thoughts were opposed. Instead, he had me banished from the mer-kingdom... For good.

This is my story.
Once upon a time, I may have been beautiful. Once upon a time, I may have had a good heart. Once upon a time, I may have been loved. But that time is long gone and passed.
No longer am I beautiful, revenge holds my heart, and my life is forever deprived of any love or happy ending. This was where my story began, the story of how the Sea Witch came to be.
The very same sea witch you read in fairytales. The one who turned into a monster. The one who, like every other super villain, never deserved a happy ending.
I am Ursula, The Sea Witch Of Atlantis.
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