Under The Tri (Tree) Sessions
Holaaaa LouBriTri readers!!! Tri is back with another topic to talk about for this UTTS!!! Can I get a 'YAYYYYY'? Today, I'll be talking about a popular topic amongst teenage girls like myself that I personally feel, has been quite active in my conversations with my friends as of late.
And that topic would be...(*drumroll please*)...BOYS. Yuppers, it's another four-letter-word with a big impact on a girl's life.
Some of you may be groaning-you're welcomed to leave, if you do not wish to hear me go on about this subject-and some of you may be curious or intrigued to why I picked this topic for today's post.
Let's get on with it, shall we?
Let's get on with it, shall we?
BOYS. They are really something, aren't they? Just the thought of them give me enough questions and riddles to puzzle my mind. They say we (girls) are the complicated ones but as a girl, I see how boys are-and lemme tell ya, they're not as straightforward or simple as they think.
I know I may be the furthest to being the most observant person on the block, but haven't all you girls wondered why a boy behaves the way a boy behaves? We women know exactly how boys are these days... Dirty minded, maybe a bit cocky and not always as charming as the boys we read in books or see on the silver screen.
I don't know about you, but most of the guys my age whom I know, constantly talk about how they plan to 'get the girl' in such a crude manner-and to top it off, talk lowly about them in the most disrespectful ways. Tell me ladies, which one of you would actually date a guy like that?
I don't mean to bad mouth boys, but do you see my point when I say boys are complicated. How they actually plan to woo a girl if they keep taking about us that way? Even if it's just a joke, no girl wants to hear that trash spoken about herself. And that's only one example. There are plenty more that proves my point.
I could be bias currently speaking, but I think it's time a girl's opinion heard, in a clearly stated manner.
Ugh boys. The funny thing about all of this is that, despite their often odd or less-than-gentlemanly behaviour at times, it is still possible for us to have crushes on them. Not only that, we still live to impress em' at the same time.

This bring me to the reason why I decided to talk about boys today.
To me, the worst thing about crushes is that, most of the time, it's unrequited and you might probably have no chance with the other person. And I'm not talking about an infatuation or admiration for a person. I mean a full-on crush. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE.
Let's go into the mini-topic of crush symptoms. (For girls, at least. Idk how boys react.)

When you have a crush, you will begin to realise that the number of romance novels/chick-flicks you read and watch tend to multiply by around a 1000 times. This is because one simply wishes to see how everything would play out in a fictional tale where a happy ending has a 95% chance of happening unlike in real life.
Another symptom of the crush-its: Overthinking. That is practically self explanatory, so I'll leave it at that.
Next, you find that you're more insecure and self-concious about yourself around that person you've taken a liking to. This is a no-brainer symptom. Every person with a crush knows what it's like to long for a single compliment from that particular boy and therefore, does everything she can to impress him.
Lastly, take those times for example, when you'd be willing to change who you are so the dude would like you but at the same time, you've been influenced by so many romance movies that you wanna have the dude love you for who you are. (Sorry, but the cheesiness of romance movies are almost impossible to suppress.) Now that is called the bipolar disorder you temporarily but oh-so-suddenly get in the period of crushing on someone.

When you have a crush, you will begin to realise that the number of romance novels/chick-flicks you read and watch tend to multiply by around a 1000 times. This is because one simply wishes to see how everything would play out in a fictional tale where a happy ending has a 95% chance of happening unlike in real life.
Another symptom of the crush-its: Overthinking. That is practically self explanatory, so I'll leave it at that.
Next, you find that you're more insecure and self-concious about yourself around that person you've taken a liking to. This is a no-brainer symptom. Every person with a crush knows what it's like to long for a single compliment from that particular boy and therefore, does everything she can to impress him.
Lastly, take those times for example, when you'd be willing to change who you are so the dude would like you but at the same time, you've been influenced by so many romance movies that you wanna have the dude love you for who you are. (Sorry, but the cheesiness of romance movies are almost impossible to suppress.) Now that is called the bipolar disorder you temporarily but oh-so-suddenly get in the period of crushing on someone.
There's this post online that states a psychological crush lasts for around four months and anything more than that, you're in love.
Now, don't panic like I did when I first saw that. I've had a crush on this guy for fourteen years, since I was a baby until now. No, I'm not exaggerating. I may not have been aware of it at the time, being so young and innocent, but I know I've always had a liking. I may have the worst memory, but my brain ain't that much of a failure. (Besides I've got parental proof)
Now, don't panic like I did when I first saw that. I've had a crush on this guy for fourteen years, since I was a baby until now. No, I'm not exaggerating. I may not have been aware of it at the time, being so young and innocent, but I know I've always had a liking. I may have the worst memory, but my brain ain't that much of a failure. (Besides I've got parental proof)
Here is a snippet of lyrics I wrote earlier this year when I was overthinking about my crush:
Do you think about us,
As much as we do bout you?
Do you ever wonder,
If we like you too?
(No I did not copy that picture I added above. It was just a mere coincidence.)
I would love to share more of my lyrics with you, but I'd like to avoid any possibility of plagiarism.
I'm no love guru, despite what I tell my friends, but if it's one thing I've learnt about being CRUSHED, don't force yourself to get over the crush in four months. Take your time, and don't worry too much about it. If you have a one-sided crush, there's no point in me giving you false hope or telling you to stop trying so hard to impress. (But seriously don't try too hard, it ain't worth it and you'll end up making a fool out of yourself. Trust me, I've been there.) But my advice is that if it happens, let it happen, it will fade eventually if it weren't meant to last.
Crushes are bound to pop up at least once in your life time, but don't ever let the unreturned crush leave YOU crushed. The One for you is out there, be patient.
Below is the song Meant To Be, from Disney Channel's original movie TEEN BEACH MOVIE. It's such a catchy romantic song and it's perfect for Disney romantics and fanatics like myself. Enjoy!
That's all from me this time, I'll see(well, figuratively)you guys in the next UTTS! This is me, signing out.
xxTri :)
Crushes are bound to pop up at least once in your life time, but don't ever let the unreturned crush leave YOU crushed. The One for you is out there, be patient.
Below is the song Meant To Be, from Disney Channel's original movie TEEN BEACH MOVIE. It's such a catchy romantic song and it's perfect for Disney romantics and fanatics like myself. Enjoy!
P.S If you'd like to give Teen Beach Movie and it's sequel a watch, I'd totally recommend it! Here are the links:
Teen Beach Movie:
Teen Beach Movie 2(Sequel):
That's all from me this time, I'll see(well, figuratively)you guys in the next UTTS! This is me, signing out.
xxTri :)
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